English: Heartleaf moonseed, Indian Tinospora
Sanskrit: Guduchi, Amritavalli
Hindi: Giloy, Gulancha
Malayalam: Amruthu-അമൃത്, Chittamruthu-ചിറ്റമൃത്
Giloy-Heart leaf moonseed or Amruthuvalli is a climbing shrub found all over India, growing in normal Indian climate and dry forest areas, The leaves are human heart-shaped and the bark is off-white or grey in color, The stems are finger and it is useful plant part used in medicines, it has a slender aerial root which reaches the ground. Flowers are yellow, seen in nodes in the old stem. Fruits turn red when it becomes ripe.
Useful plant parts:
Chemical Contents:
Tinocordifolin, tinocordifolioside, tinocordioside, cordioside, picroretine, colombine, columbin and arabinogalactan polysaccharide.
Medicinal uses:
To treat liver, stomach, and skin disorders, to treat diabetes, Anti-aging, and increase sexual power.
Giloy-Gulancha-Indian Tinospora is considered a miraculous medicine in Ayurvedic scriptures
How to prepare medicines with Amruth:
For diabetic patients:
Cut the stem of giloy in approximately 1 inch and boil in 1 of water till the water is reduced to 1 glass, 50ml can be drunk one time, it is also very effective for controlling cholesterol.
To treat all types of fevers:
we can prepare a decoction of giloy and tulasi to treat fever-Take Giloy / Amrita ( Indian Tinospora), Stem, 1 foot length, and take 8 to 10 tulsi(Holy basil) leaves. Cut the stem of Giloy into small pieces and grind with tulasi leaves to make a paste add this mixture in one liter of water and allow it to boil well to reduce the water became 250 ml. this can be taken three times daily.
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