English: linseed
Sanskrit: Agashee, Uma, Neelapushpam
Hindi: Maseena, Alasee, Atasi
Malayalam: Cheruchana ചെറുചണ
Flaxseed or linseed (Linum usitatissimum) is an annual herb, with erect, slender stems, grows up to 120 cm tall. Leaves are grayish-green, alternately arranged, and with 3 veins. Flowers are pale blue, with five petals, and in a cluster. Fruits are ovate capsules and seeds are oval, flattened, 4 to 6mm long shiny, and pale to dark brown.
Useful plant parts: Seed, flower, Leaf, seed oil.
Medicinal uses:
To treat constipation, diabetes, functional disorders of the colon, rheumatism, eye infections, cold, flu, fever and gout.
In Ayurveda, Flax Seeds (Alsi or Linum usitatissimum) are recognized for their therapeutic properties:
Remember to consult a certified Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized guidance on incorporating flax seeds into your diet for optimal benefits.
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