Five-leaved chaste Tree

The scientific name of Five-leaved chaste tree: Vitex negundo

Name of Five-leaved chaste tree in different languages:-

Sanskrit: Nirgundi, Sinduvara, Indrani

Hindi: Samhalu

Malayalam: Nochi നൊച്ചി Indrani – ഇന്ദ്രാണി, Sindhuka – സിന്ധുക.

Plant description:

It is a small tree or erect shrub that grows up to 8 m tall, The leaves are purplish-green, slender leaves are purple, five lanceolate leaflets, up to 10 cm long, margin toothed and the bottom surface is hairy. Flowers are numerous, borne in panicles up to 20 cm in length, white to blue in color. The fruits are drupe, oblong-ovate, 4 mm diameter. When it ripens color changes to purple or black.

Useful plant parts:

Root bark, leaf

Medicinal uses:

Analgesic, is used to treat rheumatic diseases, pain, swelling, etc.

Chemical contents:

Casticin, isoorientin, luteolin, p–hydroxybenzoic acid, chrysophenol D etc.

Five-leaved chaste tree is one of the ingredients in Ayurveda medicines like-

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