False Black Pepper

The scientific name of – False Black Pepper: Embelia Ribes

Name of False Black Pepper in different languages:

English: White-flowered Embelia

Sanskrit: Vidanga, Citratandul, Jantunashan, Jantughna, Krishnatandul, Vatari, Jantughni.

Hindi: Vayavidanga, Bhabhiranga.

Malayalam: Vizhal-വിഴാൽ.

Plant description:

False Black Pepper-Embelia ribes- is a climbing shrub, found in western, evergreen forest’s hilly areas, at altitudes up to 1200m., and grows to the height of 3 m. branching, the leaves are elliptic, lanceolate and dotted, and leathery, the branches slender, the flowers are white, in clusters, fruits are brown or black, globose, pale green, resembled black pepper, used in many Ayurvedic medicines.

Leaf Arrangement

Shape-Oblong Margin-Entire Venation-Cross venulate

Useful plant parts:

Seeds, Leaves, Roots.

Medicinal uses:

Anti-aging, strengthening the body, Appetizer, Gastrointestinal tract problems, Useful against tapeworms, and snake bite.

Chemical contents:

Embelin, Christembine.

Medicinal properties:

Astringent,  Digestive, Anti-fertility, Antioestrogenic, Llaxative, Anthelmintic and Carminative

How to prepare medicines:

False Black Pepper is used as an ingredient in  the Ayurveda medicines like:-

Abhayarishtam Gastrex Tablets Mandoora Vatakam
Abhraloha Tablet Gudapippali Manibhadra Guda
Alargin Tablets Guggulutiktam Kashayam Moolakadyarishtam
Ardraka Khandavaleha Gulgguluthikthakam Gritham Navayasa Choornam
Arikal Aaru Gulgulumarichadi Tailam Navayasam Gulika
Arshen Tablet Haematab Tablets Nimbamrithasavam
Avipathi choornam Haridra Khandam Parpatakarishtam
Bahushala Guda Kaisoragulgulu Vattu Pathyadi lepa choornam
Brahmi Ghrita Kalyanaka Ghrutham Pippallyasavam
Brhahmi Ghrutham Karappan Thailam Punarnava Mandur
Brihat Madhusnuhi Rasayanam Karpooradyarishta Pylend Tablets
Brihat Marichadi Taila Kasisadi Tailam Sanjivani Vati
Chandraprabha Gulika Krimigna choornam Sunetri Gulika
Chavikasavam Kurinji Kuzhambu Suran Vatak
Clearout Tablets Kutajashtaka Kashaya Surasadi Thailam
Colocare Tablets Kutajavaleha Taramandura Guda
Danti Haritaki Lodhrasavam Vilangadi Choornam
Dasamoolarishtam Lohasavam Vilangadi Gulika
Draksharishtam Madhookasavam Virechana Gulika
Eladi Rasayanam Mahadraksharistam Yogaraja Choornam
Em Gesta Tablets Mahakalyanakaghrutham Yogarajagulgulu Gulika

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