Emetic nut

Scientific name of Emetic nut: Randia spinosa/Randia dumetorum

Name of Emetic nut in different languages:-

English: Common emetic, Mountain Pomegranate, Indigo berry, Emetic nut tree

Sanskrit: मदन Madan, शल्पक Shalpaka, पिंड Pinda

Hindi: मैनफल Mainphal

Tamil: முள்ளுக்காரை Mullukkarai, மதுக்காரை Matukkarai, மருக் காண Mruk Kana, Maruk Kalam

Malayalam: Malankkara-മലങ്കാര, Karachulli, Malankara, Kara

Plant description:

The Emetic nut tree is a small tree with straight axillary spines, that grows up to 2 meters, The leaves are arranged oppositely on short lateral branchlets, obovate, obtuse, sized to 4.5cm and 2 cm. Flowers are white, solitary, terminal on branches; calyx tube about 5 mm long, lobes are obovate and hispid; Fruit are berry, obovoid, about 4cm, glabrous; seeds are many, embedded in pulp.

Useful plant parts:


Medicinal uses:

In Ayurveda Emetic nut is used to treat vitiated Pitha and Kapha, and also in the treatment of cough, ulcers, asthma, flatulence, colic, skin diseases, relieve pain like bruises, rheumatism, etc.

Chemical contents: Randianin, Tartaric acids, sandianin, ursosaponin.

The emetic nut is used as an ingredient to prepare Ayurvedic medicines like:

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