Synonyms: Buchanania lanzan, Chironjia sapida, Buchanania latifolia.
English: Chironji Tree, almondette, calumpong nut, Cheronjee, Hamilton mombin
Hindi: प्रियाल priyal, चिरोंजी chironji, पियाल piyal, चार char, प्रसवक pra-savak,
Sanskrit: अखट्टः akhatth, पियाल piyala, राजनदनः rajanadanha, उपवटः upavatth
Malayalam: Mungappeezh-മൂങ്ങാപ്പേഴ്, Nuramaram-നുറമരം
Tamil: சாரம் charam
It is a medium deciduous tree, growing up to 50 ft tall. leaves are leathery, broadly oblong, with blunt tips and ovate at the base, with 10 to 20 pairs of straight, parallel veins. The flowers are in panicles of greenish. Flowering is January-March and fruits ripen from April.
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-Elongated | Margin-Entire | Venation-Pinnate |
Useful plant parts:
Leaves, root, Fruit
Medicinal uses:
To treat diarrhea, skin diseases, cough, and asthma.
Chemical content:
Flavonoids, tannins, glycosides, phenols, steroids, saponin and gallic acid, and myricetin
Medicinal properties:
Acrid, astringent, cooling, depurative, and constipating.
One of the ingredients in
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