Coral Plant

The scientific name of Coral Plant:Jatropha multifida

Name of Coral Plant in different languages:-

English: Coral Plant, Ornamental jatropha, Physic nut

Malayalam: Churakkalli, Karikolpatta, Nadan Karup

Plant description:

The coral plant is a fast-growing evergreen shrub or small tree, drought tolerant, with a single trunk, and a loose, spreading crown, and grows to the height of 2 meters. The leaves are distinctive 7 to 15-lobed, alternate, orbicular, dark green, with divided lobes, Finely divided leaves grow up to 12″ wide and are reminiscent of Cannabis sativa leaves. They are dark green above and lighter beneath. The flowers are Numerous and small, borne in clusters of red flowers on long stalks. The fruits are three-lobed, nut-like, yellow, and globose,  Propagation through seeds or cuttings of stems.

Useful plant parts: Seeds, oil

Medicinal uses: To treat microbial infections, leishmaniasis and malarial infections, infections, inflammations, tumors, pain, fever etc.

Chemical content: Purgative oil, phytotoxin, curcumin, Ricinis

Medicinal Properties: Antileishmanial, antimalarial and antimicrobial

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