
Scientific name of Cocklebur: Xanthium strumerium

Name of Cocklebur in different languages:-

English: Burdock, Common Cocklebur,  burdock datura, clotbur

Sanscrit: Arishta- अरिष्ट, Medhya- मेध्य, Sarpakshi- सर्पक्षी

Hindi: छोटा धतूरा chota dhatura, घाघरा ghaghra and छोटा गोखुरू chota gokhuru

Malayalam: Arishta-അരിഷ്ട, Chuzhiparakam-ചുഴലിപാറകം

Plant description:

Xanthium strumarium, commonly known as rough cocklebur, is a plant species belonging to the Asteraceae family. It is native to North America and can be found in various parts of the world due to its widespread distribution.

Here are some key characteristics of Xanthium strumarium:

  1. Appearance: This plant typically grows to a height of 30-100 cm (12-40 inches) and has rough, serrated leaves. The leaves are alternate and are usually 3-12 cm long.
  2. Flowers: The flowers are small and greenish, arranged in clusters. They are not particularly showy and are typically wind-pollinated.
  3. Fruits: One of the distinctive features of Xanthium strumarium is its fruits, which are covered in spiky burrs. Each burr contains two seeds. These burrs easily attach themselves to fur or clothing, aiding in seed dispersal.
  4. Habitat: Rough cocklebur is often found in disturbed areas, such as fields, roadsides, and waste places. It is considered a weed in many agricultural settings.
  5. Uses: While it is not typically cultivated for any specific use, some Native American tribes used parts of the plant for medicinal purposes. The seeds have also been used as a traditional Chinese medicine for various ailments.
  6. Toxicity: The plant contains chemicals that can be toxic to livestock, particularly if consumed in large quantities. It can cause digestive issues and other health problems in animals.
  7. Control: Due to its status as a weed and its potential harm to livestock, efforts are often made to control the spread of rough cocklebur in agricultural areas.

Remember that while Xanthium strumarium has been used in traditional medicine, it’s important to exercise caution when using plants for medicinal purposes, as they can have unintended side effects or interactions with other medications. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using any herbal remedies.

Useful plant parts: Whole plant.

Medicinal uses:

Anthelmintic, alexiteric, laxative, fattening, tonic, and digestive, it cures leucoderma, biliousness, poisonous insect bites, epilepsy, and fever.

Chemical content:

Antipyretic toxic chemical – carboxyatratyloside.

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