Climbing Aroid

Scientific name of Climbing Aroid: Pothos scandens

Name of Climbing Aroid in different languages:-

Malayalam: Anaparuva-ആനപ്പരുവ, Parivallyപരിവള്ളി, Paruvalപരുവൽ, Paruvakkodyപരുവക്കൊടി

Tamil: Anaparuga

Plant description:

Climbing Aroid is commonly found on tree trunks, rocks, and walls, and in moist and wet forest areas at 2100 feet altitude, it is a climbing shrub having adventitious aerial roots, its leaves are alternatively arranged, elliptic, leathery, bright green colored, tip of leaves are long-pointed, size of leaves are 2.5 to 7.5 cm long and 0.6 to 1.6 cm wide. The fruits (berries) of the plant are 1.3-1.7 cm long, and scarlet when they are ripe.

Leaf Arrangement


Shape-Lanceolate Margin-Entire Venation-Longitudinal


Useful plant parts:

Whole plants.

Medicinal uses:

The roots and leaves of plants are used for epilepsy and asthma, and to reduce swelling, snake bites, Rheumatic fever, chronic malarial fever,  and smallpox.

Chemical contents:

Glycosides, flavonoids, alkaloids,  and phenolic compounds

Medicinal properties:

Antioxidant and antipyretic

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