Chebulic Myrobalan

Scientific name of Chebulic Myrobalan: Terminalia chebula

Name of Chebulic Myrobalan in different languages:

English: Yellow Myrobalan

Sanskrit: Haritaki हरीतकी

Hindi: Harad

Tamil: கடுக்காய் – Kadukkai

Malayalam: കടുക്ക – Kadukka, സർഷപം – Sarshapam

Leaf Arrangement

Shape-Elongated Margin-Entire Venation-Reticulate


Plant description:


Chebulic Myrobalan, scientifically known as Terminalia chebula, is a large deciduous tree that belongs to the Combretaceae family. It is native to Southeast Asia, including countries like India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. Chebulic Myrobalan is revered for its medicinal properties and has been used for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.

Here are some key features and uses of Chebulic Myrobalan:

  1. Appearance: The tree typically reaches a height of 20-30 meters and has a round crown. The leaves are oval-shaped and clustered towards the end of branches. The fruits are fleshy and round, with a green color when young and turning yellow to blackish as they mature.
  2. Medicinal Uses: Chebulic Myrobalan is highly valued in Ayurvedic medicine for its diverse therapeutic properties. The fruit, seeds, bark, and leaves are used in various remedies. Some of its traditional uses include promoting digestive health, alleviating constipation, detoxifying the body, and supporting respiratory health. It’s also used in formulations for managing diabetes and enhancing cognitive function.
  3. Antioxidant Properties: The fruit of Chebulic Myrobalan contains compounds like tannins, phenols, and flavonoids that exhibit strong antioxidant activity. These antioxidants help protect cells from oxidative stress and may contribute to the plant’s health benefits.
  4. Digestive Health: Chebulic Myrobalan is known for its laxative and mild purgative properties. It is often used to improve digestion, relieve constipation, and regulate bowel movements.
  5. Antimicrobial Effects: Some studies suggest that extracts from Chebulic Myrobalan possess antimicrobial properties. These properties could contribute to its traditional use in managing infections.
  6. Anti-inflammatory Effects: The plant has been studied for its potential anti-inflammatory effects, which could make it useful in managing conditions related to inflammation.
  7. Hair Care: Chebulic Myrobalan is sometimes used in hair care preparations due to its purported benefits for promoting hair growth, strengthening hair, and improving scalp health.

It’s important to note that while Chebulic Myrobalan has a long history of traditional use, its effectiveness and safety can vary depending on factors such as dosage, preparation methods, and individual health conditions. If you are considering using Chebulic Myrobalan for its potential health benefits, it’s advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or Ayurvedic practitioner to ensure safe and appropriate usage. Additionally, my information is based on knowledge up to September 2021, and there may have been further research or developments since then.

Useful plant parts:


Medicinal uses:

Trikadu used in the treatment of vata, pitta, Kapha disorders, dysentery, wounds, piles, burns etc.

Chemical content:

Glycosides, chebulin, ellagic acids, etc.

Used as an ingredient in the Ayurveda medicines like:-

Click to find the details of the Medicines

Abhaya Vati Grahanimihira Taila Medhavi Taila
Abhayarishtam Gritona Tablet Moolakadi Kashayam
Agasthya Rasayanam Gulgulupanchapalam Choornam Moolakadyarishtam
Agnimukh Choorna Haematab Tablets Mrita Sanjivani Gulika
Ahsokarishtam Himasagara Tailam Narasimha Rasayana
Alargin Tablets Himguvachadi Choornam Navayasa Choornam
Annabhedi Sindooram Jatyadi Ghrita Niruryadi Gulika
Anthrakutharam Gulika Jeerakadyarishtam Panchatikta Ghrita
Arshen Tablet Jeevanthyadi Kashayam Panchgun Tail
Ayulax Tablets Kallyanaksharam Pathyadi Choornam
Bahushala Guda Karimbirumbadi Kashayam Pathyadi Kadha
Baladhatryadi Thailam Kasisadi Ghrita Patoladi Kashayam
Brahmi Drakshadi Kashayam Kayasthadi Varti Prameha Mihira Taila
Brihat Chagaladya Ghrita Keshamrith Tailam Punarnava Mandur
Chiruvilwadi kashayam Khadiradi Kashayam Pylend Tablets
Chitrak Haritaki Khadirarishtam Raktansoo Tablets
Dainik Tablet Kottamchukkadi choornam Sanjivani Vati
Dasamoola Panchakoladi Kashayam Krimigna choornam Sarivadi Vati
Dasamoolarishtam Kumaryasavam Sarswatha Grutham
Dashamoola Haritaki Lohasavam Sudarsana Choornam
Devdarvadi Kashaya Madhusnuhyadi Choornam Suran Vatak
Dhanadanayanadi kashayam Maha Triphaladi Ghrita Tekaraja Thailam
Dhanwantharam Kuzhambu Maharajaprasarini Thailam Triphala Ghrita
Drakshadi Vati Mahatiktaka Ghrita Vachadi Thailam
Duralabharishtam Mahatiktam kashayam Vilangadi Choornam
Eladi Ghrita Mandoora Vatakam Vilwadi Gulika
Elaneer Kuzhambu Manibhadra Guda Vyoshadi Kashayam
Gandharvahasthadi Kashayam Manjishtadi Thailam  

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