English: East Indian Arrowroot, Narrow-leaved turmeric
Sanskrit: Tavakshira, Navajo, payaksira, gavayodbhava
Hindi: Tikhur तिखुर
Tamil: Ararut kilangu, Kuva, Ararut-kizhangu
Malayalam: Manjakoova-മഞ്ഞക്കുവ, Kuva-കൂവ
Bombay arrowroot is a perennial herb belonging to the ginger family, erect in rhizomes, which can grow up to 1.5 meters. leaves are long and tapered on both ends, arranged oppositely, and a violet or dark blue line in the center, 30 to 50 cm long and 15 to 20 cm wide. It is a flowering plant, with modest and small spiked inflorescences Flowers are funnel-shaped within tufts of pink terminal bracts with boat-shaped and encase the entire perianth of the flower. Flowering is at the beginning of the monsoon season June to August, The flower is about 1 centimeter long and hairy, and Rhizomes are the useful plant part that can harvest after the leaves disappear. Rhizomes are about 20 mm in diameter and 50 mm long.
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-Lanceolate | Margin-Entire | Venation-parallel |
Useful plant parts:
It is used in the Ayurveda treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, colitis, burning sensation, sexual debility, tuberculosis, asthma, and vitiated pitta dosha.
It is considered a good nutritive, and used as a diet for chronic diseases, during the convalescence period. It is well suited for infants and can be given instead of breast milk. It may be given as cooked jelly and added with sugar, lemon juice, fruit jellies, essences, etc.
Chemical content:
Curdione, curcumol, tetramethylpyrazine, and neocurdione
Medicinal Properties:
Anti Bacterial, anti-fungal
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