Synonyms: Crotalaria coerulea, Crotalaria angulosa, Crotalaria mollis
Family: Fabaceae (Pea family)
English: Blue Rattleweed, Tooth-Leaved Rattlepod, Blue-Flowered Rattlepod, Warty Rattlebox
Sanskrit: Brihatapushpi, Shanpushpi
Hindi: बनशण banshan, झुनझुनिया jhunjhunia
Tamil: சங்குநிதி cankuniti, கிலுகிலுப்பை kilu-kiluppai, Gilugiluppai, Salangaichedi
Malayalam: കിലുകിലുപ്പ-Kilukiluppa
Useful plant parts:
Root, Leaf
It is an erect, branched herb, that grows up to 75 m tall; stems are striate and 4-angled. The leaf is simply arranged alternately, Shape ovate or rhomboid-deltoid, apex Obtuse-acute margin entire size 2.5-7 x 2.5-4.5 cm, The Flower is found in terminal or lateral racemes; the color is blue. Flowering is throughout the year. Fruits are yellowish to brownish, oblong-terete pods, sparsely pubescent, exceeding the calyx; usually seeds up to 15, fruiting throughout the year.
Medicinal uses:
To treat throat disorders, laryngitis, cardiac disorders, oral disorders, indigestion, fever, blood disorders like abscess, skin disorders, menorrhagia, nasal bleeding, oral ulcers, scabies, and impetigo.
The blue rattle pod (Crotalaria verrucosa), also known as Shankhpushpi, is a plant that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for its potential therapeutic properties. It is primarily known for its effects on the nervous system and mental health. However, it’s important to note that while it is used in traditional medicine, scientific evidence supporting its efficacy is limited, and it should be used under the guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner.
Beta-sitosterol, isolated flavonal glycoside, Crotalaburine, Apigenin-o-glycoside, crotaverrine, isolated necic leatone, Taraxerol, B- Sitosterol.
How to prepare medicines:
Gargling of leaf decoction is useful for mouth ulcers.
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