English: Cowpea, Horse gram
Sanskrit: Kulatha
Hindi: Kulthi
Tamil: Kaanam, Kollu
Malayalam: Karutha Muthira-കറുത്ത മുതിര
It is an annual herb, sub-erect or trailing many branched; leaves are arranged alternately, stipulate, trifoliate, and ovate, up to 5. cm long, flowers are in axillaries, color yellow, 1.8 cm. long; contain 5 to 6 seeds are shining black, in pods, size up to 5.0 cm long, ellipsoid and flattened.
Useful plant parts:
Medicinal uses:
To treat Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, cholesterol, piles, colic, epitasis, hiccup, abdominal lump, bronchial asthma flatulence, ulcers, etc.
In Ayurveda, Black Horsegram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) is known as Kulattha or Kulthi. It holds a significant place in Ayurvedic medicine due to its various medicinal properties. Here are some of its common uses:
1. Digestive Health: Horsegram is believed to kindle the digestive fire (Agni) and aid in digestion. It’s used to alleviate digestive disorders like flatulence, indigestion, and constipation.
2. Weight Management: It is considered beneficial for weight loss due to its high fiber content which promotes a feeling of fullness and helps in controlling appetite.
3. Diabetes Management: Ayurveda suggests that Black Horsegram may help regulate blood sugar levels. It is often recommended for individuals with diabetes.
4. Urinary Disorders: It’s used to address urinary issues like kidney stones and urinary tract infections. It’s believed to have diuretic properties that aid in flushing out toxins.
5. Respiratory Health: Black Horsegram is utilized for its potential to alleviate respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and coughs.
6. Rheumatism and Joint Pain: Ayurveda employs Black Horsegram for its anti-inflammatory properties, which may help in managing conditions like rheumatism and arthritis.
7. Menstrual Health: It is used in formulations aimed at regulating menstrual cycles and alleviating menstrual pain.
8. Skin Conditions: It’s believed to have detoxifying properties that can be beneficial for various skin disorders.
9. Anemia Management: The iron content in Black Horsegram makes it valuable in treating anemia.
10. Cardiovascular Health: Some practitioners use it to support heart health, potentially due to its high fiber and nutrient content.
Always consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional before using any herb or plant for medicinal purposes, especially for specific health conditions. It’s crucial to ensure that any treatment aligns with your individual health needs and any existing medical conditions.
Chemical content:
Linoleic acid coumesterol, glycoprotein, psoraliding; dolphin A and dolichin B, 2-hydroxy-genistein, β-sitosterol, coumesterol, delbergiodin, genistein, isoferreirin, keivitone, phaseollidin, pyranoside.
10-15 seeds boiled in one glass of water and kept for a night, in the early morning drank it on an empty stomach. Repeat this for one week stop for one week and then repeat the process for one week, then check the cholesterol.
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