English: Black Dhup
Hindi: Doopa
Malayalam: Thelli-തെള്ളി, കറുത്തകങ്ങല്യം, തെള്ളിപ്പയിൻ, പന്തപ്പയിൻ, വിരിക
Sanskrit: मन्दधूपः mandadhupah
Tamil: கருங்குங்கிலியம் karu-n-kunkiliyam
Canarium strictum – Black dammar is found in moist deciduous to semi-evergreen forests, in the Western Ghats, up to the altitude of 1400 meters, and grows up to 40 meters tall. Leaves are bipinnate, oppositely arranged, and sized 5 inches in length and 2-2.5 inch wide, Young leaves are reddish brown it become green when old, they is scaly and thick when wound a brownish secretion which is used to fuming to repel mosquitoes.
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-Lanceolate | Margin-Entire | Venation-Reticulate |
Useful plant parts:
Medicinal uses:
bronchial ailments, rheumatism, fever, cough, syphilis, asthma, epilepsy, chronic skin disorders, and hernia, to repel mosquitoes.
In Ayurveda, the Black Dammar Tree (Canarium strictum) is valued for its medicinal properties:
1. Respiratory Health: Used for respiratory issues like cough and asthma.
2. Anti-inflammatory: Helps alleviate inflammation in joints and muscles.
3. Digestive Aid: Supports healthy digestion and eases gastrointestinal discomfort.
4. Wound Healing: Applied topically for its antiseptic properties.
5. Mental Clarity: Believed to enhance cognitive function and mental clarity.
6. Stress Relief: Used for its calming effects on the nervous system.
7. Skin Conditions: Beneficial for certain skin disorders.
8. Anti-microbial: Exhibits properties that may help combat infections.
Always consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional before using Black Dammar Tree for medicinal purposes. They can guide safe and appropriate usage based on individual health conditions.
Chemical contents:
Junenol, Canarone, and Epikhusinal.
Photo credit: Dinesh Valke-
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