English: Box myrtle,
Sanskrit: kathphala, Aranya, Krishnagarbha
Hindi: Kafal
Tamil: masudam
Malayalam: Katphala-കട്ഫലം, maruta
It is a medium dioecious tree, found in hilly areas of north-East India, it is a large woody, evergreen plant, grow up to 25 feet. Leaves are simple, crowded towards the apex, lanceolate, up to 9 cm long and 3 cm wide, pale green in the upper surface and dark green bottom.the flowers are small, sessile, sepals and petals not visible; inflorescence, 4.2 cm long, axillary, carrying about 25 flowers. Fruit are berries, globose, succulent drupe, red in color, size 1.1 cm – 1.3 cm. There are two verities of plants are available one is white flowered and other red flowered.
Useful plant parts:
Bark, leaves, fruits, oil
Medicinal uses:
To treat Leucorrhea, Asthma, Bronchitis, Fever, Cold, Intestinal Disorders, tooth problems, Hemorrhage, Wounds and Ulcers. To treat Vatha kapha disorders, Reduce the edema and improved blood circulation, It is used as a stimulant of nervous system,
Chemical contents:
Myricetin, myricitrin, glycosides, flavone, glucopyranoside, β-sitosterol, quercetin.
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