
Scientific name of Barley: Hordeum vulgare Linn

Name of Barley in different languages:-

English: Barley

Sanskrit: Aksata, Akshata, Dhanyaraja, Yava

Hindi: Jau, Jav

Tamil: Valkothumai

Malayalam: Barley- ബാർലി, Soochigotambu, Yavam-യവം

Plant description:

Barley is an annual grass, a cereal grain, most cultivated cereal crops in the world,  used as a nutrient, it is growing to 1 m tall, the spike-let are arranged in triplets which are arranged alternately along the rachis, which produces 20–60 grains, flowering from Jun to August. Barley is an annual grass, cereal grain used as a nutrient, growing to 1 m tall, the spike-let are arranged in triplets which are arranged alternately along the rachis, which produces 20–60 grains, flowering from Jun to August.

Useful plant parts:


Medicinal uses:

To treat blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, digestive complaints like diarrhea, stomach pain, improve renal function and hepatitis.

Chemical content:

Source of folic acid and vitamin B12 and B6.

Medicinal properties:

Anti-tumerous, Anti-bacterial

It is used as an ingredient to prepare the Ayurveda medicines like:-

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