Malayalam: Mula, Elli (മുള, ഇല്ലി)
Sanskrit: Vamsha, आर्द्रपत्रक-Ardrapatrakah, वम्भ-Vambhah, वंश-Vamsh
Hindi:बांस Baans, बम्बू Bambu, बंस Bamsu
Tamil: Mungil, குழாய்மூங்கில்-Kulay-munkil, Periya Mungil, பெருமூங்கில் Peru-munkil
Bamboo belongs to the grass family, green leaves and erect with spines, the stem is hollow in each segment, reaches up to 100 ft, commonly found in the altitude up to 1000 m., deciduous and semi-evergreen forests, Flowering is only once in its lifetime of approximate 60 years.
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-Acicular | Margin-Entire | Venation- Parallel |
Useful plant parts:
Seeds, Young leaves
Medicinal uses:
To treat thyroid
Chemical content:
Cyano-genic, glucocide like anti-thyroidal substance
How to prepare medicines:
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