Preserved or raw Ayurvedic herbal medicines are generally termed as Angady marunnukal. Herbal medicines get the significance since they are extracted or created from herbs. In the Ancient times due to the scarcity in the availability of Ayurvedic plants at all seasons and places, people used to process Ayurvedic medicines and created herbal medicines instead of fresh herbs such that they could be stored and can be used at all times whenever necessary.
According to the Ayurveda, how to process herbal medicines when to process medicines and where to process the medicines are clearly mentioned in the “Dravya Samskaran”. Effective way of processing medicines is necessary to preserve the medicines without losing its quality or potency. Some of the methodologies for effective preservation of Medicines include:
According to Rishi Charaka, the medicines should be preserved in wooden boxes. Boxes are selected based on the type of medicines to be preserved. Storage should be free from moisture, rain, and sunlight. The room should be made facing East or North directions. Storage should be free from Dust, moisture and viral free. Rooms can be smoked with Camphor, Cinnamon and Indian frankincense – Guggul. Storages can be made inside of cotton clothes or mud pots. The room should be well cleaned. Poojas or traditional prayers also are entertained at frequent intervals.
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