English- Wax Gourd, Winter Melon, White Gourd, Winter Gourd, Tallow Gourd
Sanscrit: Kushmanda
Hindi: पेठा-Peda , कुष्माण्ड-Kushmand
Tamil: நீர்ப் பூசணிக்காய்
Malayalam: Kumbalam കുമ്പളം
Ash Gourd – Benincasa hispida is an annual vine, grow up to 20 m length. It can’t grow in the shade better in moist soil and it has the ability to tolerate the drought. Leaf and stem are white hairy and young fruits too, flowering starting from July to September, and the fruit ripen from August to December. The flowers are both male and female in the same plant, deep yellow in colour with five petals, matured fruits covered with a powdery white waxy green peripheral and fleshy inside contain lots of seeds, which are white and sharp in both end with size 1 cm. Fruits weighing 2.5 to 4 Kg. approximately.
Shape-heart shaped | Margin-Doubly-serrated | Venation-Palmate |
Useful plant parts:
Seed, Leaf, fruit
Medicinal uses:
Wax gourd juice of the fruit can reduce overweight, it is used in the treatments of dandruff, blood purification, and bronchial diseases, increases memory power, and tapeworms.
Chemical content:
Alunsenol and Mutiflorenol.
Medicinal properties:
Anti-microbial, anti-coagulant
How to prepare medicines:
Crushed leaf juice can be applied on the head to stop bleeding due to wounds, piles, etc (it is an anticoagulant).
Cut to a piece of ash gourd is kept over the eyes to get cooling.
Drinking fruit juice with a little salt is capable of reducing weight.
Eating fresh fruit is beneficial for curing intestinal parasites, acidity, and ulcers.
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