Arrow Root

The scientific name of Arrow Root: Maranta arundinaceae Linn.

Family: Zingiberaceae

Name of Arrow Root in different languages:-

Sanskrit: Tuvaksheeri, Tugaksheeri, Tavaksri

English: Arrowroot, Bermuda arrowroot, West Indian arrowroot, obedience plant.

Malayalam: കൂവ-Koova, മഞ്ഞകൂവ-Manjakkova, Vellakoova, Channakkova-ചണ്ണകൂവ, kochikoova

Hindi: Tikhor

Bengali: Ararut

Kannada: Kuvehittu, Tavaksiri

Tamil: Kuva; Araruttukkilangu

Telungu: Palagunta

Tamil: Aruruttukkilangu, kookai neer

Plant description:

Arrow Root or India-Arrow root is an erect, perennial herb growing up to 2 feet tall, the leaves are green, ovate-oblong, alternate, with long, leafy, hairy sheaths, size up to 8-10 inches long, oppositely arranged, ovate, lanceolate, slightly hairy; the flowers are small white. The flowers are white, and in terminal panicle, it  dispose in a long, lax, spreading,  linear, sheathing bracts, at the ramifications. Rhizomes are the useful part of the plant, which is yellowish-white, the root stock are dug when the plant is one-year-old, and size up to 30 cm in length and 19 mm in diameter.

Leaf Arrangement

Shape-Linear-elongatd Margin-Entire Venation-reticulate

Useful plant parts:


Medicinal uses:

It is used in dysentery, diarrhea, cough, dyspepsia, bronchitis, and nourishing food for infants, and invalids. The main ingredient in biscuits, cakes, puddings, jellies, and face powders, the bowel complaints, to get energy and vigor.

Ayurvedic uses of Maranta arundinacea

  1. Digestive Health: Arrowroot is considered to be easily digestible and is often recommended in Ayurveda for individuals with sensitive digestive systems or those recovering from illness. It is used to soothe the digestive tract.
  2. Diarrhea and Loose Stools: Arrowroot is used in Ayurvedic medicine to manage diarrhea and loose stools. Its starchy content helps in forming a gel-like substance in the digestive tract, which can help absorb excess moisture and regulate bowel movements.
  3. Nutritive Support: It is considered to be a nutritive food, providing energy and essential nutrients. In Ayurveda, it may be recommended for convalescing individuals or those with weak digestion.
  4. Cooling Properties: Arrowroot is believed to have cooling properties, which make it suitable for individuals with excess heat or Pitta dosha imbalance.
  5. Skin Conditions: It may be used topically to soothe skin irritations and conditions like rashes or insect bites. It is believed to have calming and anti-inflammatory effects on the skin.
  6. Weight Management: Arrowroot is considered to be a low-calorie food and is sometimes recommended in Ayurveda for individuals looking to manage their weight.
  7. Infant Nutrition: In some cultures, arrowroot is used as a weaning food for infants due to its mild and easily digestible nature.
  8. Respiratory Health: In certain Ayurvedic formulations, arrowroot may be used to address respiratory conditions, particularly when combined with other herbs and ingredients.
  9. Urinary Disorders: Arrowroot is believed to have diuretic properties, which may be beneficial for supporting urinary health.
  10. Fever Management: It is used traditionally to help reduce fever. Arrowroot may be recommended as part of a therapeutic diet for individuals with febrile conditions.
  11. Alternative to Cornstarch: In culinary applications, arrowroot is often used as a thickening agent and can be used as an alternative to cornstarch, particularly for those with corn allergies.

Chemical contents:

Vitamin A, has demulcent properties.

Medicinal properties:

Demulcent,  Astringent, refrigerant, expectorant, aphrodisiac

How to prepare medicines:

West-Indian Arrowroot’s dried rhizome powder can be used as a health mix,  easily digested, nourishing diet for convalescents, especially in bowel complaints.

Used as an ingredient in the Ayurveda medicines like:-


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