Malayalam: Kallorvanchi- കല്ലൂർവഞ്ചി
Hindi: पाषाणभेद Pashanabhed
Sanskrit: मूत्रल Mutrala, पाषाणभेदः Pashanabhedah
Tamil: செப்புநெரிஞ்சி Ceppunerinji
Aquatic rotula is native to India, branching, under shrub usually grows up to 2 m tall with numerous short lateral arrested branchlets often rooting, aromatic, pinkish, and glabrous, mostly found in the rocky riverbeds. Leaves are arranged alternately, or clusters, oblong to obovate or linear-oblong, entire or shallowly toothed, glabrescent or sparsed scabrous, ciliate along the margins, cuneate at base, obtuse or shortly apiculate at apex; petioles 0.3 cm long, greenish, sized up to 2 cm long and 0.5 cm wide, oblong, obtuse.
Flowers pink or purplish, solitary in terminal or axillary branches, in few-flowered racemes. Stamens 5, exserted at the base of the corolla tube, with filaments up to 0.3 cm long and oblong-ovate anthers almost 0.2 cm in length. Fruits are subglobose, orange-red drupes. Seeds oblong, albuminous.
Leaf Arrangement
Shape-Elliptic | Margin-Entire | Venation-reticulate |
Useful plant parts:
Tuberous root
Medicinal uses:
It is used in traditional medicine for kidney and bladder stones, the root of the plant tubers are useful in treating coughs, fever, poisonings heart diseases, blood disorders, and ulcers.
Chemical content:
Flavonoids, Alkaloids, Phenolic compounds, Amino acids, Proteins etc.
Medicinal properties:
The roots are bitter, astringent, cooling, diuretic, antirheumatic, and laxative.
The root decoction is useful in the treatment of bladder stones and sexually transmitted ailments.
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