Antique Spurge

The scientific name of Antique Spurge: Euphorbia Antiquorum


Name of  Antique Spurge in different languages:-

English: Square Spurge, Square milk hedge.

Sanscrit: Snahi, Vajrakandaka.

Malayalam: Chaturakkalli ചതുരക്കള്ളി.

Plant description of Antique Spurge

Antique Spurge is the largest armed cactus-like plant, growing up to the height of 7 m, branching stems 5 to 7 cm thick, dark green, glabrous, segmented, and with a milky latex. Leaves are few, borne at the branch end, succulent, alternate, clustered at the tip, leaf blade, ovate, apex rounded. Flowers are yellowish-green, axillary, and single, subterminal, found in axillaries, single or in triads or 3 to 4 individual cyathia together and peduncles reddish brown colored. Fruits are in a capsule that is globulous, about 10 mm in diameter, green when ripe turning deep red.

Useful plant parts: Latex, Leaves, Root, and Fruits.

Medicinal uses of Antique Spurge

To treat asthma, cough,  earache, toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism, etc.

Ayurvedic uses of Antique Spurge:

  1. Wound Healing: Antique Spurge is believed to have wound-healing properties and may be used externally to aid in the healing of cuts, wounds, and ulcers.
  2. Anti-inflammatory: It is thought to possess anti-inflammatory properties, making it potentially useful in reducing inflammation in various parts of the body.
  3. Skin Disorders: In Ayurvedic practice, Antique Spurge may be used to address skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis.
  4. Rheumatic Conditions: It has been traditionally used to manage rheumatic and arthritic conditions, which involve inflammation and pain in the joints.
  5. Digestive Disorders: Some practitioners believe that Antique Spurge may aid in digestion and can be used to treat digestive disorders.
  6. Respiratory Issues: It may be used in Ayurvedic remedies for respiratory conditions like coughs and bronchitis.
  7. Anti-parasitic: Antique Spurge is believed to have anti-parasitic properties and may be used to expel intestinal worms.
  8. Menstrual Disorders: In certain traditional formulations, Antique Spurge may be used to regulate menstrual cycles and manage menstrual disorders.
  9. Pain Relief: It may be used to alleviate pain, including headaches and migraines.
  10. Aphrodisiac: Some traditional uses suggest that Antique Spurge may have aphrodisiac properties and can be used to enhance sexual vitality.
  11. Fever Management: It may be used to help reduce fever.
  12. Hemorrhoids: In Ayurveda, Antique Spurge is sometimes used to manage hemorrhoids.

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