Abhraloha Tablet is an Ayurveda medicine used in the treatment of anemia, indigestion, liver disorders, Fatigue Menstrual disorders, tiredness, jaundice, diarrhea, and liver disorders. It balances Pitta Dosha.
Abhraloha is a combination of two Sanskrit words ‘Abhra’ means Mica and ‘Loha’ is Iron. It is a combination of purified mica and ash prepared from Iron. This medicine is capable of maintaining good health in the female, it alleviates general weakness, helps in the formation of new tissues, and increases blood quantity.
Dosage: After food – 1 to 2 tablets twice a day, with milk or lukewarm water
Manufactured by
Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited,
Note: Avoid self-medication, (Consult an Ayurveda practitioner before using this medicine)
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